Tuesday 18 March 2008

Cane Toad Kill

They are big, they are ugly and they are here ..........................NOW.
A nightly, or at worst every second night ritual is a walk with the dog. She enjoys it and so do I. And as a dog "under training" it provides a great opportunity to reinforce that positive behaviour you need in a large dog, to ensure it is well behaved..
The perambulation is usually along the cycle trail close to Rapid Creek. It is well lighted, and very peaceful, especially late evening, around 2200hrs, when most sensible people are in bed or at home.
They - the dreaded cane toad - have been seen close by, and I found one about a year back plus one more recently in the middle of the intersection near home. BUT this one was LARGE ----sitting quietly near the lamppost watching for insects to nab as dinner.
A quick kick onto the path and it got stomped......but they are hellishly hard to kill, so it toook some time and several hits. My inhibitions were satisfied. A dead cane toad ..........the best type.
With a lot of rain last month [over 900mm] and two dry days in the past 45 days, I guess cane toads will be on the move. For more details visit www.frogwatch.org.au/canetoads/default.cfm about the program to reduce their presence in Darwin.
I hope this is just another forward guard and that more are not coming, but but but.......I think they are now HERE.
Looks as if the nightly walk will require having a plastic bag to collect the ugly toads. Disposal in the freezer, then composting is the usual option, but leaving such a large brute is not a good option either.

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