Saturday 28 March 2009

Rudd and Obama

Australia is a modest player on the world stage - we are small in population, large in area and some people think we punch above our weight, on the world stage. Is there a larger world stage than visiting the US President? Maybe not.

The Prime Minister has been in the US this week - NY and Washington, and meeting all the right people, and getting plenrty of media coverage in Australia, even a mention by the US President at his press conferences.

However, many Australians think that there is a somewhat syncopantic relationship with the US......what they want, Australia, as the dutiful lap dog, does. Or maybe better illustrated in the cartoon that appeared today in the Weekend Australian. Cartoonist is Bill Leak, who can be a bit in your face at times, and definitely has an irreverent streak.

This is!

For others who may not know, the Prime minister's wife [ coming through the door] also runs a very successful multimillion dollar recruitment agency with offices in a number of countries.

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