Saturday 14 November 2009

It Is NOT Frog Weather Now

Having a short sojourn in the city of churches.......of Australia [ every country has one don't they?], Adelaide.

It is stinking HOT..............a week of temperatures around 38 - 39C, with the big 40 predicted for tomorrow, with more to come next week.

And super low humidity. Definitely hiding time for sensible monsoon frogs. Should have stayed home, it has been ideal humid and stormy weather in Darwin this week. However, I am engaged in serious humanitarian deeds for a week or two in the city of Adelaide.

Here people hide during the day, as the temperature builds up, slowly to emerge after the sun descends into oblivion. Or, alternatively, hide in the air conditioned buildings during the day. The high temperatures are not so bad, being used to that, but everything you touch is RED HOT, as the sun is very fierce.

There is a major equestrian event here this weekend, and the horses will be under a bit of stress as they compete. I thought it was only mad dogs and Englishmen who went out into the midday sun, but it seems the horsey set do too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have seen a few rather dried out flat frogs in these dry climes ... beware!