Sunday 20 May 2012

Life Moves On

Wow........nearly three months since a blogpost.

Floods have come and gone around N Australia and N NSW, summer is now autumn, in fact nearly winter, and at last the dry season has arrived in the north.

Still not really cool, although a few nights below 20C, which is the borderline below which you can turn off the overhead fan at night.  But it is noticeable - days arre drier and you do not lather in sweat if you are working.

I spent a day digging augur holes for soil sampling yesterdy and did not really raise a decent sweat.......a month ago you would be wringing wet after the first turn of the augur!

However, the hole digging had been post poned after I had a accident and hurt my knee while spraying last week.  Unable to walk for some days, had to use all the parts of the RICE procedures plus a doctor's visit and taking anti inflammatories, wear a compression sleeve etc.  Much improved, but not fixed totally yet.

It was a bit of an issue for someone who is not normally prone to either illness or accident.

A dry season to far.

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