Monday 13 August 2012

It Can be Cold in the NT

It is cool......very cool........very, very cool even, with Darwin recording the lowest ever August temperature overnight of 13.1 C.  This is a great dry season!

Inland a little the temperatures were much lower, around 5C.  That is COLD by our standards.

Now, at around 1000hrs, while the temperature has risen to around 22C the apparent temperature which combines temperature and wind and RH is still around 15C.  And the office is distinctly cool, still. 

The dog is sitting in the sun, enjoying the warm sunshine, and this morning was very quick to find any small area of sunshine in the back yard on the S side of the house, where there is not a lot of sun until a month or so later in the year.

Even yesterday evening it was very cool early, around sunset.  We had a yiros and a drink on the cliff top at Nightcliff and most locals were complaining about how cool it was - and sitting in light jumpers.  We forgot ours and moved home to warm up, soon after eating and the sun had set.

Need to enjoy the cool weather while it is here - come November we will be complaining how hot it is even after the sunset!

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