Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Kerry the Kingfisher is back

We have an itinerant kingfisher who seems to visit our backyard periodically. Not necessarily at anyone time each year, but regularly, at odd times, several times each year.

Seems to enjoy a quiet sit on the Hills Hoist [ that impeccable creature of suburban backyards in Australia when backyards were big enough to have the space] and from which regular visits to grab the odd lawn grub are made.

Lawn grubs seem to be most common in October and November, but our friend has returned earlier than usual. Often spends up to an hour quietly sitting and watching as those smaller insects, worms and so on move around the lawn, swooping periodically to satisfy feeding needs.

Have not ever seen a nest, but ocassionally the pair and smaller offspring have been seen. But the brightly plumed male has strutted his stuff regularly!

We do have a good range of birds seen in the yard and nearby. The sulfur crested cockatoos ensure we never get to eat any five corner fruit......they strip the soft edges and leave the residues on the ground! There are often 4 or 5 birds at a time in the tree, as fruit ripens.

I am sure that a backyard pool provides a great water source in an otherwise dry period.

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