Tuesday 26 February 2008

The “me” Generation and Personal Food

The new must have for the “me” generation is …………..wait for it – Personal Watermelons.

Small enough to fit in the palm of your hand and easier to store in the fridge, Personal Melons are wrapped up in their own highly distinctive striped skin. They are sweeter and crisper than an average watermelon, while remaining highly nutritious and a perfect way to quench your thirst and create healthy and delicious recipes.

Or so say the soothsayers of the advertising industry, trying to separate you and your money.

Coming soon to a supermarket near you.

I remember the joy of a surreptitious sortie into a growers paddock on a hot summer night to acquire a decent sized watermelon to slice for the car load of young things to enjoy. One can hardly do that for a personal melon. Or the occasional food fight with a decent sized watermelon, after a few slices. Even one memorable one at home with four teenage children on the [thankfully] fully tiled terrace, with a hose wash down to follow.

Yields of the personal melons are down and production, handling, advertising and packaging costs are up.

The only winner with small watermelons seems to be the supermarkets.

1 comment:

Lynda said...

They sound very cool - perfect for keeping in the fridge.