What a way to go.............the Holden Commodore, long the lust car of the masses in Australia. A boy's first car, maybe the first kiss car for a lady. Most certainly a car used to do a bit of speeding or hooning in many parts of Australia. And a Holden Commodore last weekend also won the Bathurst 1000, an iconic car race in Australia.

To be injured and broken, sitting quietly on a suburban nature strip...............and to be subjected to the indignity of some local council parking inspector slapping a yellow "take notice" sign: to be moved or else! It obviously was not moved, and then followed up by a formal fine notice [ in the plastic sleeve].
And the final indignity..............being dumped upon by the yellow flowering fluff of a local melaleuca tree.
It is still there............some considerable time later.
The event has been watched with interest, as it is travelled past almost every time we leave our suburb by car.
1 comment:
hhmmmm ... my memory says it was a Ford?
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