And flower they do............magnificent canopy of orange - red or red flowers that literally cover the tree. Leaves are gone, mostly, just a few remaining black seed pods from last year and red flowers, and red flowers and red flowers.
They occur in many areas around Darwin and the intensity of the flowering is virtually in inverse proportion to the amount of water received during the dry season. Lack of care seems to help with the leaf drop and massive flowering...........almost the "last hurrah", a galant effort to procreate before the storm season commences.
This magnificent specimen is in full colour, although they do grow much bigger, and is in Robinson Road, Millner.
It is spectacular.
Yes........I know that trees in flower have had quite a few posts of late. But.....'tis the season!
And they do look great!
You have to be positive at this time of the year. Hot days - 35 - 37C and very, very strong sun, that seems to burn and burrow through bare skin in minutes, so getting out and doing much between 1100 and 1500hrs is very foolish. The old colonial adage of " Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun" is very true. You tend to be lethargic and seeking shade and a good overhead fan, or even better.........into the air conditioning. The weather is very sapping of energy if you are working outside.
The photos were taken around the middle of the day, but from a short venture out of an air conditioned vehicle, to take them without too much shadow.
These trees absolutely flourish in these conditions.
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